Office LifeNov 18, 2019

whats the point?

does anyone wonder what the point of living is? im finding fewer reasons by the day to keep going. this world we live in is just a game we play with fleeting moments of happiness with mostly suffering, i dont understand why people still play it. its not that i want to die, its that it doesnt matter if i live or die. honestly want to have a discussion about this

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Apple lionkings Nov 18, 2019

WTF Go see a therapist.

Volvo ascnrdrkly Nov 18, 2019

See Conan the Barbarian, ignoramus

excelll Nov 18, 2019

You work at Amazon. You are in top 0.1% in the world and 1% in the US. Imagine many in the world who struggle to make a dollar a day, keep a good health, and walk miles to get drinking water. Our lives are blessed. Let’s have gratitude and help people who were not blessed to begin with. If you keep helping all your miseries will look very small

iozP82 Nov 18, 2019

Rest of the world doesn't have to pay crazy rent

Collective Health rtucbsba Nov 18, 2019

Ya they wake up with real problems like: "am I going to live for another 24 hours"

Disney Streaming Services yabu Nov 18, 2019


MediaTek WinnieXi🇨🇳 Nov 18, 2019

ikr, chasing tc, building family, raising kids, and one day these are nothing. I want to be a monk. Amen

Amazon Nov 18, 2019

' its not that i want to die, its that it doesnt matter if i live or die'. This is the definition of depression. A human fundamental social psychological need is damaged. This usually is because of a lack of belonging, which ultimately will prevent you from enjoying life. It's common, plenty of people suffers this, but it's not normal. I strongly suggest you talk to a therapist so that you're able to find meaning in life again.

Cruise Automation evo0 Nov 18, 2019

I have to agree with this +1

Amazon jTEX56 OP Nov 18, 2019

I definitely lack belonging, but thats not quite what I meant, I mean it in a more philosophical sense. I can live my life and die, or I can skip the theatrics and end it now. Either option is leads to the same outcome - so why does it matter either way?

Cruise Automation evo0 Nov 18, 2019

Well i assume the problem is how we set up the system. You never meet the people you are helping because you are so far removed from them. Also the incentives to make money for your company doesn’t directly translate to the well-being of your fellow humans/nature/next generations etc. Best thing you can do is either changing the way you see the world - e.g. visualizing the happy faces of engineers who use AWS or working for a company where the mission is directly aligned with your own (if you have one). If you don’t have a mission: making the world a less miserable place is a good start. Start with your family, friends and that might lead you to enlightenment.

SAP elfundido Nov 18, 2019

Get a therapist. Start a family. Take up life outside of work in whatever way makes the most sense to you. Happiness isn't something that just happens to you. You create conditions that enable it.

Amazon iA71wc Nov 18, 2019

Yeah, and i think every self aware person goes through this. I hit this patch every few months. Eventually, especially after rejecting religion and the notion of an afterlife, it may boil to, “well, should I just fuckin kill myself?” No, I don’t think so. Even if there isn’t meaning. Maybe it’s bullshit, but there is a line of thought called absurdism that keeps me warm. Existence and the universe as a whole is indifferent to how you feel and/or what happens to you, and it sucks. You try so hard to do the right thing and work your ass off only to ultimately have things hijacked, either through the standard bullshit life throws at you (divorce, injury, bankruptcy) or at the end destination for all of us, death. So what you do to rebel against it is to keep living in the face of all odds, to wake up breathing as an act of fuck you, to keep playing the game even though we all know how it ends up. Life is a charade and game, so you play along with it and enjoy the ride and embrace all aspects of it, good and bad.

Amazon jTEX56 OP Nov 18, 2019

I’m aquatinted with paraphrased summary’s of Camus’s philosophy and I never quite agreed with the conclusion. Why is living despite absurdity rebellion? Wouldn’t suicide be more of a ‘fuck you’ to a universe which birthed you against your consent and left you to reconcile your capacity to reason with your emotional irrational compulsions? Wouldn’t it be a fuck you to this evolutionary process trying to keep the circus going?

Amazon iA71wc Nov 18, 2019

Killing yourself intentionally would be giving in to what this disconnect between needing meaning and never getting it brings front and center. If we’re gonna die and nothing matters, why not, right? In that case, you succumb to the black hole of the persistence of time and indifference of the world. You become a part of it. But, to draw on your example, to keep human life going and fuck like a rabbit would be defiance. To flirt with death and/or engage in competition for what are actually meaningless things is to push back. I’m gonna die, but I’m gonna die on my own accord and not float down the whirlpool of deadened routine and dwelling on shit that can’t be resolved

Uber TC || 👉 Nov 18, 2019

There probably isn’t a philosophical reason. Just enjoy the time you have.

Amazon jTEX56 OP Nov 18, 2019

My mind refuses to stop asking ‘why?’ and I’m met with deafening silence