why are companies doing “return to office”?

what are they worried about?

73 Participants
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Checkr ✅r Apr 26

Trying to get employees to quit. People are definitely slacking as well. We did large RTO, folks didn’t quit, now we did massive layoffs in areas we have offices.

LinkedIn limkedin OP Apr 26


LinkedIn limkedin OP Apr 26

i’m just wondering tho - are you being sarcastic or do you really think it’s one of reasons?

JPMorgan Chase EastD1628 Apr 26

To save commercial real estate

LinkedIn limkedin OP Apr 26


Amazon aRLk76 Apr 26

Corporate culture suffers if majority work from home. And people (not necessarily majority) figured a way to game the system by slacking, over-employment, quiet quitting etc.

LinkedIn limkedin OP Apr 26

thanks! corporate culture suffers - why? because of miscommunications? also what do u mean over-employment?

Google JimKer Apr 26

This. My current team is all rto and it’s night and day compared to my previous team. Much more efficient to talk through problems in person than on video chat. And just more fun to spend time at the office. Of course depends on your teammates. Overemployment means getting more than one full time job and slacking at all your jobs.

Snap Seraphine! Apr 26

I have confirmation from upper management at Snap that an unspoken reason for our latest full RTO policy is a desire for attrition. The company thinks that the market is bad enough for engineers that they can do what they want and if people leave, there will be 20 others looking to join. Which is true…but also super shortsighted.

LinkedIn limkedin OP Apr 26

interesting. thank you!

Snap Seraphine! Apr 27

What were you on last night when you wrote this? I didn’t indicate anything of the sort. And I guess I shouldn’t have time to post on Blind because I had a conversation with them weeks ago?

imjustsayn Apr 26

They never wanted remote and don't feel like they are effective leaders in remote situations.

LinkedIn limkedin OP Apr 26

they never wanted remote - so was covid the only reason we did remote? (might be obvious question..)

Amazon arcticChar Apr 26

Pressure from real estate

Amazon hgamv Apr 27

gotta watch over the slaves