Why so negative about leetcode

I read here very often something like "do stupid leetcode to get an interview at google/facebook...". I am doing leetcode and i am really learning new stuffs from math (properties of numbers, divisibility...), algorithms... #leetcode

Microsoft maverickk Dec 11, 2017

People who suck at leetcode are usually the ones who are negative about it. Hence they dismiss it as sour grapes.

Facebook Hjhggf Dec 11, 2017


Microsoft Rolexpo Dec 11, 2017

Leetcode isn’t the issue here. Here’s what happening: 1) lots of people are doing leetcode and hence the bar for making errors has gone dramatically high. 2) you could be an exceptional problem solver but you didn’t see a problem (or pattern before) and you get stuck while someone else has solved 500 problems and aces that interview. All of a sudden they get the job. 3) most interviewers are inexperienced and many feels they can only judge by asking hard leetcode questions and look for binary signals in evaluating (yes or no, rather than depth). Leetcode is great and made be get back to problem solving and it’s fun, however it has made the field immensely more competitive.

Amazon MarioBros4 Dec 11, 2017

Immensely more competitive for no reason and while adding no value

Facebook ChinaKlay Dec 11, 2017

2) is a good thing if someone prepared more then good for them.

Amazon qwerty765 Dec 11, 2017

If a person is able to solve a problem because of doing similar problems in leetcode. It only tells that the person has spent time preparing and is hard working. That is also a good quality to be prepared, and interviewers like that. That being said, we often encounter people who have not done much preparation, but their fundamentals are strong and they are able to figure out different solutions to a problem. So it doesn’t really matter in the end as the interviewer is looking for both hard working and creative people. Sometimes you also encounter who is both.

Facebook Hjhggf Dec 11, 2017

^ this is the answer to shut up these leetcode haters. TLDR: leetcoding does demonstrate the ability to persevere and learn which is valuable.

Splunk I will be Dec 14, 2017

What about the situation where 90% of Google's engineers use Homebrew but since the Homebrew Creator couldn't reverse a binary tree they told him to fuck off?

G0dz1la Dec 11, 2017

This is no different than cracking those competitive Engineering school entrance exams in India or China. All your experience, talent is worthless to these drones. All they want is a Black/White answer to a qn that has methodical solution someone could have simply practiced

Amazon Hooliganss Dec 11, 2017

Isn’t that the way life is? School, work, everything? Prepare for something, study, homework etc and do well when it comes time to test you?

Twitch EPBQ13 Dec 12, 2017

No, that's the way childhood is. You're an adult now, you're supposed to be developing skills that are useful.

Cisco genesiz Dec 11, 2017

Leetcode sucked the fun out of problem solving. 1. It lets interviewers be lazy and make binary decisions. Which means, they don't care who their coworker is going to be. They could be a psychopathic customer info seller for all you know 2. It is a singular measure. Over optimizing for one single thing. Algorithmic solutions to textbook problems. There is more to CS than that 3. It encourages candidates (thus, future software engineers) to not be wholesome software engineers but to be mechanical rote memorizers. This shows in the quality of their code. Look up some popular "open sourced" code at popular leetcoding companies 4. It devalues experience. Really, if everything was as simple as leetcode, anyone could've come up with map reduce. Why did it take 2 phds with years of experience with systems and lisp, I don't know 5. I hate working with Co workers who can solve all algorithmic problems but cannot produce solid productive output. Leetcoders reinvent the wheel, spend time fretting about stupid algos and time complexities way too often. There is a place for this sure but not all of software engineering is just that 6. Lastly, and my biggest gripe, is that it creates a class of interviewers who have absolutely no fucking clue that leetcode is not the best/singular/good way toeasure your future co-worker. These memorizing nerds are good at solving puzzles in one language but suck in others and don't understand the perspective of others...leading to questions like yours OP. I have met Java programmers (at Google) rejecting c programmers cuz the interviewer did not know that c doesn't have an API to get array length. In c, you need to find the size and pass it around. I have almost started questioning the quality of many leetcoders as software engineers. P.S. I forgot to add: - it creates a non reproducible process. The same candidate can get through with one set of questions and fail with another. For a profession that derives it's reputation on precision, the hiring process sucks pretty bad - it hires people who slack off at current work to practice leetcode over actually productive people. Who do we want as a coworker?

Facebook Hjhggf Dec 12, 2017

Wrong. Learn about the Jedi and pirate interview types at FB. Only 3/5 interviews are fully coding interviews. The other two are open ended design and career / exp / behavioral interviews. All your points are proven wrong. Stop raging and start leetcoding.

Cisco genesiz Dec 12, 2017

Will fb hire a person with awesome jediness and pirateness but bombed the solution to a random dp question? The answer to above question will answer why leetcode sucks.

Facebook ChinaKlay Dec 11, 2017

It's mostly old heads complaining about leetcode

Toptal Jeff Gates Dec 11, 2017

Yeah agree

Facebook Hjhggf Dec 11, 2017

Wrong. Learn about the Jedi and pirate interview types at FB. Only 3/5 interviews are fully coding interviews. The other two are open ended design and career / exp / behavioral interviews. All your points are proven wrong. Stop raging and start leetcoding.

Toptal Jeff Gates Dec 11, 2017

Honestly negative answers here still did not give me answer. And they remind me old corporate guys. I had a colleague who would name all design patterns, loots of technical terms in a single sentence. After 1 year ZERO line of his code was shipped to production.

Facebook Hjhggf Dec 11, 2017

Well said.

Toptal Jeff Gates Dec 11, 2017

Also those negative comments are from second-class company (amazon, cisco) folks. I am not afraid of saying that because i have passed interviews to both of them, got offers. But people i have met there + the offer I knew I am too good for them

Cisco genesiz Dec 11, 2017

Lol. Selection bias much?

Toptal Jeff Gates Dec 11, 2017

bored? How can you write like 10 paragraphs of text (just in case, i am referring to your previous comment. One cannot be sure. You are only at cisco). Too much negative energy in you :)

Google LtcodeKid Dec 11, 2017

Leetcode is a lifestyle.

Microsoft jXLi76 Dec 11, 2017

Leetcode is more fun than 90% of the jobs which is just plumbing.

Facebook Wh00dis Dec 11, 2017

Sadly agree

Expedia yo_mang Dec 12, 2017

The best answer as to why Leetcode is valuable, folks!