Snap interviews

I heard they were the hardest. They made ppl solve ICPC [1] problems in addition to LC hard. This is from a first hand report of my close friends. Look where they are now. So much arrogance is not healthy for companies. No, I wasn't rejected by Snap; I chose to never interview there despite multiple recruiter emails. [1] Edit: this was a few yrs ago when Snap was known as Snapchat and was at its peak. They used to have offices in LA only at that time. So, I'm not saying anything fake here. It's for real.

Snap apJG91 May 15, 2023


Snap yummy_nerd May 15, 2023

Your tears taste fantastic and salty.

Snap 👻Haunted May 15, 2023

Yep, I only pass people who can give me a linear solution to the traveling salesman problem. So far, all have failed, kids these days smh.

ex-Google wfrg May 15, 2023

Stfu. Nobody asks you icpc problem. 99% can’t even do lc properly let alone icpc.

🇺🇦❤️🇺🇸 May 15, 2023

I used to work there, had a pretty standard interview.

Goldman Sachs auzi May 15, 2023

Sounds like you were scared of interviewing there because you would have gotten exposed as a fraud

Meta chucklorre May 15, 2023

Just finished interviews with them. Nowhere close to what you say. Seemed reasonable questions

Microsoft e OP May 15, 2023

This was a few yrs ago when Snap was at its peak.

Snap 🫡🫡🫡gg May 16, 2023

I’ve been out of the interview loop for a bit. But 1 year ago we were asking LC hard, but there was no expectation to solve it, or even if you “solve” it it’s okay to have non working code. It was mostly about the journey, but there can always be shitty interviewers 🤷‍♂️ personally I think it’s stupid but I’m just a lowly wage slave 😂

ByteDance njrbe74581 May 18, 2023

Small pp “They didn’t reject me, I rejected THEM” energy

Amazon cHs5xa May 18, 2023

They asked me an LC medium a couple of years ago, which I solved optimally, compiled, and tested. I was still rejected, I did not have FAANG experience at that time, and the interview was bragging how he worked at a large-scale rec sys at Google before snap. Now that I have a couple of years of experience at Amzn, I will try again.