Promotion process at Red Hat

I arrived at Red Hat recently and would like to know more about the promotion process in SWE. It looks to me like people get promoted to Senior SWE or directly to SWE (skipping the Junior/Associate level after graduating) quite easily, and I just wanted to understand how it works. #RedHat #tech #SWE TC: 45k €

Red Hat TrackLack Jan 23, 2022

You will be screwed for 2 years bc of cost savings of IBM. Go and apply somewhere else

Red Hat bfsbff OP Jan 23, 2022

Do you mean getting promoted from Associate SWE to SWE generally takes 2 full years?

Red Hat TrackLack Jan 23, 2022

Depends, but some managers will always find excuses to not promote you

Red Hat cheysb Jan 23, 2022

There is quarterly/biannual raise/promotions that occur. You should see department emails of people who got promos twice a year. You’ll have to talk to your manager to go to bat for why/when you deserve that promo.

Red Hat imkm Jan 26, 2022

Look for the promotion framework in the source. The process and calendar are documented there. Then talk to your manager and start a "conversation helper".

Red Hat MJkO55 Jan 30, 2022

Two promo cycles: April & October. Document your progress and review with manager regularly. Ask "exactly what" you have to do to get promo and which promo cycle can you realistically expect. Keep pushing on it politely.

Red Hat WAXN17 Feb 2, 2022

Promotion can happen for every Q

Red Hat nDxF83 Feb 13, 2022

Lots of responses in this thread, including from Red Hatters, makes me think Blind is not a good place to get answers to questions like this, at least for Red Hat. Promotions get progressively more difficult the higher up you go, so as you can imagine, from associate to software engineer is the easiest. It also can happen at beginning of any quester. However, it depends on your performance. If it takes you 2 years to get promoted at this level, your manager has likely evaluated your performance to be well below average. You are correct that in some cases, particularly after long internships during studies, graduates are directly hired as "Software Engineer".

Dell cloud bro Aug 19, 2022

u seem to be quite knowledgeable on this topic. any advice on L5 to L6 promo ? external hire at L5. is there a min time at position, age/yoe consideration that will play a role or is it purely on performance? do teams have limitations ?