
Post Meta Interview - Recruiter Call

Finished a full panel interview with Meta last week. Recruiter reached out asking for some time to catch up. What to expect? @Meta Anything in the email that I can read into to reach some conclusion before the call ? Please post your thoughts as well. #meta #fullpanel

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Microsoft ryeL03 May 7

I am in a similar boat. Recruiter called and mentioned that the sys design feedback was middling and the first hiring committee suggested e4 instead of e5. So recruiter asked if I can provide references to help strengthen the case before the second hiring committee YMMV

PayPal ppskasjs7 OP May 7

What was the language of the recruiter email? I would like to see what to read from the email. I wish they were more forthcoming in their email communication. Saves a lot of heart ache.

Microsoft ryeL03 May 7

Email Content: Do you have a few minutes to speak today?

Workday lowTC70 May 7

Can you post exact wording and tone? I can’t comment without it but if it’s a quick chat and less than a week after on site it seems like offer

PayPal ppskasjs7 OP May 7

Hello, I should have an all out update on Friday. Can you share some options that work for you on Friday to catch up.

PayPal ppskasjs7 OP May 7

That’s the email

Amazon principeng May 7

Just go and talk to the recruiter, ffs.

Meta TechHirer May 7

My friend you’re getting an offer.

PayPal ppskasjs7 OP May 7

Any insights on what made you arrive at that conclusion? Are you a Meta recruiter?

Meta TechHirer May 7

That’s exactly how I got my offer.

Spotify qKIY46 May 7

the recruiter will ask you out for dinner obviously.

Google uzII22 May 7

Happened to me last week. They asked for another round of interview to gather more data. Just 1 round. I gladly agreed. Better to attempt again than being outright rejected.

PayPal ppskasjs7 OP May 7

What was the language of the email, if you don’t mind .

Google uzII22 May 7

Recruiter informed me about the additional interview over call. The mail just said that they have an update for me. Am I available to talk.

Citibank pjoker May 7

What role is this? I got somewhat similar email

specreserv May 11

Any update?