Roblox Addiction

My elementary school Kids are always wanting to play Roblox. I have tried pausing internet, giving them a fixed time few days a week. They are never satisfied. I understand the age is such that they don’t understand the risks. I’m worried about their health. When they are not playing they say they don’t know what to do. They are academically doing well however. Any parents here who have a time tested method to rid children of this Roblox addiction? TC: 250k

Capital One jeez345 Feb 5, 2023

Make them do sports or other activities. They will have less time to waste on roblox

Western Digital v1n3h5k8 OP Feb 5, 2023

Sure, we are trying to keep them busy. But their mind is in Roblox

PayPal HnJfhF Feb 5, 2023

This doesn’t help. My kid plays sports 3 days of the week and we have a no games during the work week rule, but is always thinking about it and watching streamers during their tv time

Nuance trenblaq Feb 5, 2023

Try to get them to participate in organized sports/activities (you should sign up for things at the local community centre). When I was young (2000s), we didn’t have a good computer or a TV so my mom would take me to the library and get me to pick out novels to read.

Western Digital v1n3h5k8 OP Feb 5, 2023

Kids have allergies, weather is not good these days. They do however go for martial arts. But they always want to play Roblox

Nuance trenblaq Feb 5, 2023

How about indoor sports like swimming, basketball, etc. They may also like to do painting classes and other artistic activities

radius Feb 5, 2023

In all honesty let them do it. I was addicted to counter-strike and it got me hooked onto computers along with AOL punters etc

NVIDIA GrenGuy Feb 5, 2023

Uh, the internet is much darker and deeper now. Roblox and child sexuality is very high in that platform

2U AFqU82 Feb 5, 2023

But aren’t parents able to put limits on engagement with other players and stuff? Thus reduces that risk?

2U AFqU82 Feb 5, 2023

I’m a parent of a younger kid but tbh, I don’t see the issue if you’re limiting their Roblox time already. Do they play outside/have access to the outdoors?

Western Digital v1n3h5k8 OP Feb 5, 2023

We do limit time, force restrictions via router, etc. they play outside but they want to ply Roblox everyday uninterrupted

Apple robertr Feb 5, 2023

They are outright telling you they have "nothing else to do". Give them something to spend energy/go outside like sports. Take them to outdoor events like festivals, parties with other kids around. Just get them outside Use roblox time as a reward for doing chores or reading books or academic work, etc. instead of just giving them Roblox time, let them earn it. This familiarizes them early with the "work and play" model and builds work ethic

Western Digital v1n3h5k8 OP Feb 5, 2023

I don’t like the model of - do the following and you will earn time for Roblox. They are doing chores and study and outside play only to buy time for Roblox. I hate it, it is like a drug addict who Will do anything to get supply. We do plan activities outside on weekends as long as weather supports. My wish is they don’t think about Roblox all the time. Thanks for your input

Amazon VAnj78 Feb 5, 2023

Is that not how the real world works? Capitalism lol

Broadcom Ltd. CovidTan Feb 5, 2023

Not trying to be a jerk here but… Does this mean buy Roblox stonks?

Veeva .comboom Feb 5, 2023

It’s a very big thing in kids nowadays . They do you think they pay so high ? More than faang

Red Clay Damnazon Feb 5, 2023

Of all the games they could be playing, Roblox isn't that bad (my brother played when he was a kid, as it was Minecraft before Minecraft and multiplayer). The question is, what draws them to the game? Could you get them into more physical building toys (Legos, Magna tiles, Nuggets or other foam build couches). Is it the social aspect? Give their friends more opportunities to come over and engage in open-ended play outside?

Capital One tearsnrain Feb 5, 2023

Roblox is built to be addictive and is littered with micro transactions. It is not one game it is it’s own metaverse. It’s way more dangerous than any games that came before it.

Roblox yNWt22 Feb 5, 2023

Western Digital v1n3h5k8 OP Feb 5, 2023

I hate your company. Your company should be classified as unofficially unethical in the same class as cigarettes, alcohol, tobacco, etc.

Roblox vtj8sSv Feb 5, 2023

sounds like you just don't know how to parent properly. OMG my kid is addicted to that dungeons & dragons thing! It's not healthy for him! It's demonic!!!! Happens with whatever is popular each generation. They're doing well in school. Presumably they're not getting up to no good going and hanging with the wrong crowds. They're healthy, and you're overreacting. Maybe they're being dismissive of you because they want you to GTFO and stop being a helicopter parent

DoorDash boltfast Feb 5, 2023

OP, How long have you tried to keep each of these changes? Like did you try it for a day, week, month, etc? Also, what do the kids do in the time they no longer use Roblox?

Western Digital v1n3h5k8 OP Feb 5, 2023

Months. My son is smart, he solves puzzles, good at maths. Without a class, school , homework he does nothing else. He is not creative at all. My daughter is able to engage herself with something like toys, drawing, books. But she always want to play Roblox.

Roblox fRGC22 Feb 5, 2023

I was just like your son lol. Let your kids be kids, maybe enroll him in some extra math classes or something but kids don’t need to spend every waking hour doing something productive.

Persistent Systems Bandit414 Feb 5, 2023

how old r ur kids. My son was big time into playing roblox. But in Grade 6/7 he started programming roblox games in Lua. And soon got big time into coding. Now he is pursuing CS degree. He does not play Roblox anymore but plays other games. He is good academically

dizi khor Feb 5, 2023

That’s great. Not sure your kid is the norm though

Western Digital v1n3h5k8 OP Feb 5, 2023

Yeah my son did Scratch, Minecraft coding classes. He did well. Has capability. I brought books and motivated to continue but he quit. There is a limit on how much I can push. He is a smart kid and I hate to see him wasted with Roblox and YouTube. These days he keeps bugging me to buy RoBucks or whatever. I did not budge