Tech IndustryJul 27, 2018

Jane street capital

How hard is it for a new grad(undergraduate) to join Jane Street as a software engineer or a trader. I've heard that they are pretty selective(only Ivy League graduates) when it comes to joining the tech team. Can anyone give me their first hand experience of the hiring procedure. How does the interview work ? Any suggestions for someone aspiring to join after graduation ? Thanks!

Yahoo 🦍gorilla Jul 27, 2018

What elitist garbage, plenty of great people from non ivies, besides mit, Carnegie melon, and Stanford aren’t even Ivy League schools

MNbS62 OP Jul 27, 2018

Yeah true. While Silicon Valley companies have moved forward in recruiting the right people regardless of their background or anything, most Wall Street companies still hold the traditional practices where the background(mostly the school they went to and family connections) of the candidate matters a lot.

Facebook Gubi Jul 28, 2018

Not true, I interviewed onsite (did not get offer) and not from an ivy, but something like top 20 in CS. Some of my interviewers went to small schools I had never heard of before.

Facebook RedWitch Jul 28, 2018

Jane street is a very tough interview process. You need to be really good at math and can think and work with numbers and probabilities quickly. When I interviewed they had at least 3+ rounds of phone before an on-site, and asked nothing but competition math questions. Suggestion is check out Wall Street oasis for the types of interview questions you’ll see. Have high regards for the place. Lots of smart people there.

Facebook rubberband Jul 28, 2018

Math questions for SWE interviews?

Facebook foobarblah Aug 8, 2019

For SWE, it was basically one phone interview then onsite. Onsite questions are not the typical leetcode questions - they were (for the most part) system design questions rather than algo/DS.

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