
Mixpanel: 3Q 22 Status?

Hey all, I'm considering a sales position at Mixpanel and was hoping to get a status update on business performance and quality of life there in 3Q22. My take so far is they've turned a page from a trickier past (CEO problems, competition with Amplitude and others) and are now on their way to competing strongly in a high growth market. Would any current (or recently departed) employees be able to give insight? Info that's super helpful for sales is quota attainment for different teams, net retention, attrition on sales team.

Salesforce omPz16 Sep 12, 2022

Did you get any messages about this? I’m also considering a sales position at Mixpanel and have the same sentiment.

WUvq76 OP Sep 12, 2022

Nope, nothing yet from anyone

Dell Boomi stwE42 Oct 30, 2022

Their long term play is still to sell to whoever is willing to buy them.