
30 years old hits different - it's time

I've been a full stack SWE for 8 years now. For the last 2 years I've been working at an early stage startup making decent money. (200k TC) I have really excelled in this role, and I can't help but look at my performance - and the weird sacrifices I all of the sudden make now that I NEVER used to make in my career - and reach the conclusion that 30 years old is the start of a SWE's prime. Does anyone else feel like at 30 years old - everything at work is just WAY easier. My velocity is wild compared to the younger version of myself. PLUS - the younger version of myself would coast at these dinosaur large corps - back then all I wanted to do is close my laptop at 5pm and go out. But now - after this startup stint - I'm recognizing that I have so much to offer to companies - I'm really selling myself short at this point in my career. I don't have kids. No distractions. My girlfriend is committed to the grind as well. My mind is primed for serious impact. #netflix give me a shot :-) (dm me)

Salesforce breeza May 10

It's Friday. Good time for you to start wondering about why you don't have a life instead of offering yourself to a corporation

susdev May 10

i kinda resonate with this

Whatnot postmod46 May 10

Lay off Adderall and coke, chill

LinkedIn nextplayed May 10

You are itching for impact and your dream is more large companies? Keep doing startups. You’re conflating impact and fulfillment with compensation. They’re often opposites.

FocusedMan OP May 10

True. But - I think that's the point. I know where I stand w/ my skillset. I'm trading time for $ - yet I'm underpaid - and now I'd be so much more fortunate for a large Corp role

LinkedIn nextplayed May 11

Startups won’t pay you 500k liquid but plenty will pay a competitive base. You don’t have to jump to big tech just to not feel underpaid.