Tech IndustryDec 12, 2019

Google TSE Role vs. Microsoft SE Role

I'm currently a lvl 59 SQL Support Engineer at Microsoft. TC 120K. I was approached by a Google Recruiter for a "Technical Solution Engineer" a year ago and ended up getting half way through the interviews and quitting because a family member died. The recruiter reached out again recently about me applying again. From everything I asked about the position it seems to be another Technical Support Position. Not sure what the comp package or benefits look like but I'm trying to decide if I should pour in the effort to study and interview for this job or if I should stick with Microsoft and focus on performing well here. My Background: -24 years old -CompSci College dropout -2 years experience in development (internships) -8 years experience in Support -Been in current role at Microsoft in Texas for 3 years now My ultimate goal is to move into an SWE role or get into data science somehow. I have no interest in moving into a management position in my current org. Microsoft Pros: -I like my team and my manager -I can work from home 100% of the time if I want - 50% 401k Matching up to IRS maximum (I'm taking full advantage of this) -Healthcare is 100% paid by Microsoft (premiums and deductable) -Cost of living in the Dallas suburbs is much lower than Seattle/Sunnyvale/New York Microsoft Cons: -Office is in Texas and opportunity to break out of the Support role into Dev seems rare -My team is understaffed and has a high turnover rate meaning that even when positions are backfilled, it takes time to train them up -We are a cost center and treated as such, upper management is constantly trying to minimize costs by asking us to pick up the slack caused by an inadequate head count Google Pros -Located closer to HQ and a city with Dev opportunities -Opportunity to further expand skill set and work with Google Technologies -??? Google Cons -Location is more expensive and I don't think even a higher salary will make up for this -401k is only 50% matching up to 6% -I don't think healthcare is as good as Microsoft plans I know that's a lot but I'm trying to determine if working at Google in a TSE Role would be better for my long term career than staying at Microsoft in the Support Engineer role. If anyone has any insight about the TSE Role or knows of anyone that has successfully moved from this role into a SWE or other technical role at Google I'd like to hear about it.

Google 1337 h4x0r Dec 14, 2019

TSE is a support engineer and google discourages working from home.

Amazon zCGv26 Jul 7, 2021

Did you end up going for it?

VMware lxCW21 Aug 12, 2022

@op are you active on blind?