Tool for stock alerts with complex logic?

I plan to sell shares of MSFT and buy shares in VEA. To optimize this transaction, I would like to set an alert such that MSFT / VEA > X or MSFT - VEA > Y. Are there existing websites that can send email / text alerts for this? #Stocks #market #investments #finance #personalfinance

Rubrik (・o・) Sep 6, 2020

Write your own program 🤷‍♂️

Microsoft bfxh OP Sep 6, 2020

Thanks! I see options for alerts for one ticker at a time. Does it support alerts that span two tickers? (described in the original post above)

Microsoft bopwer Sep 6, 2020

It does support custom scripts using which you can program however many variables you need. I've not done it personally though. You can explore custom alerts on trading view, a bunch of resources to explore.