Tech IndustryApr 22, 2018

[SOLVED] Recent song that sounds like Country Roads ish

Heard a song recently that sounds kind of old but is actually modern. Shazam found it but now I can't see it in the list now! Help me find it? It sort of sounds like Country Roads by rednex (but it's a different song, bit a remix, just shares the same style), but rather upbeat, and the only line I remember from this song is something like "and don't remembeeeeer" (no pun intended) in the second line of the chorus stanza :/ Do you know what it could be?

Uber Baller 🏀 Apr 22, 2018

Could be the Pretty Lights remix of Country Roads. Pretty dope track!

Google TtRK27 Apr 22, 2018

I've been listening to this all afternoon on repeat

Microsoft U3xe4t Apr 22, 2018

Yes this is a good remix too:

Amazon wwqwwq Apr 22, 2018

Probably cash cash take me home chainsmoker remix

Google dildozer OP Apr 22, 2018

No it's a different song altogether, but it has the same style, like a male/female duo singing it in a country style and the artist is someone famous think Sia or Rihanna but neither of the two. Another song it sort of reminds me of is karma chameleon

Microsoft U3xe4t Apr 22, 2018

Guess no with with your Shazam I really wanna know this song too!

Google dildozer OP Apr 22, 2018

Lol I wish I could query all radio hits with constraints of 5 syllable song title ( which I think it was , something like "up on the lala" ) and with "don't remember" in the text, but I'm esl so might be wrong even about that

Microsoft U3xe4t Apr 22, 2018

Or maybe Let Me Go:

Google dildozer OP Apr 22, 2018


Amazon wwqwwq Apr 22, 2018

Deadmou5 and kaskade I remember?

Google dildozer OP Apr 22, 2018

No but thanks for the link, I like deadmou5

Google dildozer OP Apr 22, 2018

I found it.. and now I think my description was horrible :) It was pitbull - timber

Microsoft FlakeLame Apr 22, 2018

Lol what

eBay ottoman Apr 22, 2018

Yeah what the fuck lol

Amazon wwqwwq Apr 22, 2018

Lol come on man