Switching companies and resetting progress

A recruiter reached out to me and put me through the interview loop for Confluent, to which I was downleveled to L2, their new grad equivalent. My current team does not have the most interesting product, and a lot of effort is put towards Ops, refactoring old packages, a lot of internal tooling which sometimes makes learning feel stagnant. It is obviously risky to leave a new team for something unknown, but from speaking to the manager and the engineers, there is a higher level of ownership and scope, as well as much more depth, getting into the weeds of distributed systems, networks, and such. However, AWS I assume looks good on a resume, and I wouldn't lose a year of progress. TC is about the same for both companies, and Confluent is remote which is a plus. Does anyone on the inside have more context or has anyone else been given a similar decision? YoE: 1 TC: 165k CAD

Confluent pkhA03 Mar 19

You have only 1yr of experience. Come to cflt if you like remote and work will definitely interesting than ops but not sure about core was

Amazon SkID63 Mar 29

Currently interviewing for a new cloud sales role there. Any tips?

Confluent pkhA03 Mar 29

Sorry, unfortunately not my area

Confluent ww5b Mar 19

With 1 year of experience, the leveling sounds right

Confluent nosrv404 Mar 25

Which team you’re speaking to confluent ? Not to say but confluent also has fair amount of ops. And depends on team

Amazon GhBP06 OP Mar 26

Data/stream governance, how is that team faring?