PoliticsSep 28, 2019

What quid pro quo looks like

"It looks to me like you're pretty close to getting this job. Pretty close. I'm going to be reviewing this one the next few days. Hey in the meantime I wanted to ask you for a favor, I heard you can get tickets to the Superbowl at your current job. Think you could hook me up?" "Wow your submission is one of the best responses we got to our RFP. I am about to award the deal and I have to say you are in the running. Hey, can you do me a favor? I heard your wife is on the admissions board at the college my son is applying to. Can you make sure his application gets a good look?" "I'm just finalizing the details on this aid request, the hundreds of millions of dollars your country needs and these weapons purchases. It's almost done just a few more things to finalize and I can sign off on it. Hey, can you do me a favor? This Biden guy, do you think you can start as investigation into him? It would really help me with the election next year."

Microsoft worker37 Sep 28, 2019

It's okay. Trump is above the law. You think this is going to change his supporters loyalty? I doubt it will.

Verizon Media Atinlay6 Sep 28, 2019

You’re like Adam Schiff inventing quotes.

Apple Boomhauer Sep 28, 2019

The amount of mental gymnastics Trump supporters have to do to not see the obvious corruption is insane.

Verizon Media Atinlay6 Sep 28, 2019

You mean like making stuff up like OP?

Google Mr. GIass Sep 28, 2019

People that are loyal to a politician tend to be a little dumb. Folks that can be objective and aren't insecure about their favorite politician being criticized are fairly rare these days.

Barclays PLC swoog Sep 28, 2019

“This Biden guy, do for think” why u do for think?

Barclays PLC swoog Sep 28, 2019

You corrected half of your “quote” , but still needs a bit of spell checking , A for effort !

Microsoft fupooy Sep 28, 2019

Why make quotes up if the transcript is so bad?

Amazon retag OP Sep 28, 2019

Educational public service announcement

Apple magikarp16 Sep 28, 2019


Apple ℹ️❤️G Sep 28, 2019

The world works this way...

Apple ℹ️❤️G Sep 28, 2019

So this Bidan guy did something iffy in Ukraine... But let's not inquire about that... 🤣 Trump is a crook but so is Biden.

Microsoft TrumpWins Sep 28, 2019

Notice how you need to make up a bunch of unrelated scenarios to justify something that didn’t happen in the transcript. And then go one step further and add some lines that didn’t exist in the transcript.

Verizon Media Atinlay6 Sep 28, 2019

Just like Schifty!

Copper JakeFapper Sep 28, 2019

Amazon retag OP Sep 28, 2019

Nothing wrong with that. Shutting down that corrupt liar seems right..