Tech IndustryNov 14, 2022

Goldman Sachs SWE Interview Questions?

What kind of LC questions do they ask for the Software Engineer "Analyst" position? Many of the tagged LC questions are more probability based, but are those given to regular software engineers or more so for quant roles? TC: 185k -> 0 #goldmansachs

Apple pip_ Nov 14, 2022

LC easy/medium

Goldman Sachs mikhoyan Nov 14, 2022

I ask FizzBuzz if it’s a hot gal

Meta mloat OP Nov 14, 2022

if only it were that easy

Amazon enjoying Nov 14, 2022


Goldman Sachs smtelse1 Nov 14, 2022

LC easy/medium.

Goldman Sachs swe here Nov 14, 2022

Is it a Coderpad round?

Meta mloat OP Nov 14, 2022

Oh I am talking about for any given round, what kind of stuff can I expect to see across the board

Goldman Sachs swe here Nov 14, 2022

Coderpad phone interviews and coding rounds in virtual onsite are usually 1 LC easy + 1 LC medium. During onsite, you might get various other types of rounds depending on team interviewing.

Goldman Sachs ABCJump Nov 14, 2022

“Are you willing to learn an outdated language with an undocumented code base in exchange for stable employment?”

Meta mloat OP Nov 14, 2022

well given that Meta uses an outdated language and has unstable employment ... yes

Meta mloat OP Nov 14, 2022

since I'm a new grad swe, will my interview just be lc easy/med that I can do in Python? Afaik they do some interviews where the lc are more math based (which I am unpracticed in) but also ask Java specifics, but maybe those are for more senior engs

Zoom code_chef Nov 14, 2022

LC easy/medium.

Goldman Sachs ABCJump Nov 15, 2022

Dynamic programming definitely

Goldman Sachs Marcus🤡 Nov 15, 2022

There is no specific set of questions. It is left to interviewer judgement on what he asks. For SDE roles they might not ask about puzzles but questions like creating a biased coin using unbiased coin and vice versa can be asked

Goldman Sachs Blizzardd Nov 15, 2022

It is very team-dependent. Some teams are super easy to get into ( take bootcamp grads who couldn’t do binary search ) while some teams are super selective ( take top master & phds with research paper ). Also the career growth and pay for these two kinds of teams are very different. You have to make sure you end up in the latter, not the former, otherwise you’ll be paid with peanuts with no respect

Meta mloat OP Nov 16, 2022

So the new grad Analyst Software Engineer position actually has varying salaries?

Goldman Sachs Blizzardd Nov 16, 2022

Yes you are correct. It’s a special thing at Goldman, they classify everything ranging from IT support, DevOps, SRE to high-profile ML/AI quants and high-performance infrastructure under the same title “engineering analyst”. For the first year base is the same (110k) but bonus and salary growth later will be very very different. In a good team you may get 100k+ bonus and very quick growth. In a bad team you get 5k bonus and zero salary growth This phenomenon is because there are two worlds of software engineering at Goldman: one is tradition IT support type of role, so you maintain a very outdated internal legacy software for 5-6 business users (who are most likely accountants or operations) and answer their support tickets. Another is innovative new initiative which is directly tied to revenue, example: high-performance trading engine in C++, alpha-generation quant research, auto-managed portfolio enabled by large-scale distributed systems, and consumer products in collaboration with Amazon and GM, etc. Goldman is a very weird mix of cutting-edge start-up-like teams and crappy outdated support teams. Unfortunately, the good ones are only 20% of the overall engineering population, the vast majority are stupid support roles. So you have to be very careful with team matching otherwise you’ll end up ruining your career growth

Goldman Sachs @bsbgs Nov 17, 2022

Who is even hiring at this time ?