Lyft Sr. Software Engineer position interview schedule

Got a mail from Lyft recruiter to setup a 30 mine phone interview. Will there be also technical Interview? How does it work at Lyft. I checked it and it was a link for calendly to schedule 30 mins with recruiter but since in mail it was written phone screen, I am confused can anyone help here. Also how is their interview process. If I feel I would be a better choice for Swe 2 positions rather than senior since I have 4 years of experience, can i communicate to recruiter? But mostly I won't get any call at all then I feel. Current TC: 130k. #lyft #lyftcareers #lyfthiring #lyftinterview #tech

Uber grokking Mar 19

Just tell the recruiter you want SDE 2. First call will be with recruiter for super basic HR questions

Fidelity Investments Anony1508 OP Mar 19

Okay. Have you given the interview with them already ?

Chewy skinidi Mar 19

Why tell the recruiter you want a lower position?