Tech IndustryJan 17, 2019

Airbnb cross functional interviews

Airbnb has a lengthy interview process. I went through it recently and actually quite enjoyed the rigor and enthusiasm of those I met. After quite a few interviews, they want a 3rd cross functional interview. Seems like a good sign but what are your thoughts Airbnb employees? Disclaimer: I am not going to share the role or function until after the process is complete, just curious if others have had a 3rd culture interview and what that typically means?

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Collective Health humbleLady Jan 17, 2019

Why would you not even share the role?

Amazon depdmm OP Jan 17, 2019

Because if you know about the cross functional interview you know that the role has nothing to do with it AND I have my reasons.

Airbnb da heck yo Jan 18, 2019

If it was one of the job-specific interviews it would be a sign that an offer is coming and they are trying to appropriately level you. But since it’s the culture one, it probably means they are split and need another opinion to make the hire decision.

Gusto sudo sudo Jan 18, 2019

This happened to me and I got an offer

Amazon depdmm OP Jan 18, 2019

Appreciate the feedback. This confirms my thoughts.

Airbnb da heck yo Jan 18, 2019

Good luck!

Amazon irdhijb Jan 23, 2019

Heard back and it was a no go. Mixed feedback was the feedback. You put someone through a ton of interviews and tell them functionally they’re spot on then base it on ‘values’ and ‘mission’ and you’ll miss on a lot of great people.

NonCodeSW1 Dec 8, 2019

Did you get the job, OP?

EA javajean Sep 24, 2021

I am going through a similar interview process myself. So far, I had - 1-hour (or more) with the recruiter - Two 1-hour's with the hiring manager - Three 1-hour's with the 2 managers on the team and the hiring manager's peer (which was referred to as the onsite) And after almost 6 hours, I expected a decision. This is a manager role by the way. Instead, the recruiter emailed me yesterday that I need to do the NEXT round now: "Two architecture interviews, one business partner and two core value interviews" Basically, another 5-6 hours. It's no big deal, given I'm making a decision for at least the next couple of years of my career. But, to me this is a clear sign that the leadership is not effective in making decisions. If they need 12 hours to hire a manager, how much time will they need to make bigger decisions about what tech. to use, what vendor to sign a contract, etc. Will I be empowered to make the right decisions for my team. So, at this point I started questioning myself if Airbnb is the right place for me.