Tech IndustrySep 25, 2017

Amazon new grad online assessment

What is the Amazon new grad "Online Assessment Part 1" like? I've never done online coding for an interview so I have no idea what to expect. They say "Code debugging and logic/problem solving multiple choice". Is the debugging part like Leetcode or Hackerrank where I get an editor and compiler and have to edit code? And they say I have one week to do it, but will there be a 30 min or 1 hour clock once I start?

Epic KHCx54 Sep 25, 2017

How did you get this far?

Amazon httNwV6X Sep 25, 2017

He expect us to spoon feed him. Haha.

Epic KHCx54 Sep 26, 2017

They haven't looked at my resume yet. Last year they didn't contact me till after Christmas but by then I had already accepted elsewhere.

Microsoft SESS31 Sep 25, 2017

Automated hiring of the people that will automate the next workforce.

Cisco gprotein Sep 25, 2017

It's easy. You get an hour or two and you fix some basic programs. The logical part is like SAT questions.