Tech IndustryApr 24, 2019

Amazon on-site

I’ve a onsite coming up soon. Recruiter said along with other rounds there would 3 coding rounds focused on ‘logical and maintainable’, ‘DS and Algo’ and ‘problem solving’. Anyone who had such rounds? Could you please share your experience? What should I expect in the HM rounds? Also, what do they look for in the system design rounds?

Oath Atinlay2 Apr 24, 2019

Don’t cheat

CenturyLink ml7hsg6 OP Apr 24, 2019

Dude! For real, stop spamming people’s post and gafl

srvrles Apr 24, 2019

Yeah I feel sorry for them. They are obviously a very hurt person.

wrcS08 Apr 24, 2019

She did no mention behavior rounds. They typically have them too. If you need mocks on system design DM and behavior feel free to DM me.

CenturyLink ml7hsg6 OP Apr 24, 2019

She did but I’m more curious about the difference between these 3 coding rounds

zzzzzz-ZZ Apr 24, 2019

Seems like the usual LeetCode problem solving rounds

CenturyLink ml7hsg6 OP Apr 24, 2019

I thought the same but got confused with these specific names lol