Tech IndustryJan 29, 2019

Amazon referral new grad software engineer

Hey I applied amazon but they never got back for interviews my resume is probably lost somewhere I have Masters degree and prepared well on leetcode and topcoder I am sure I will not disappoint you. will anyone willing to refer for new grad software eng ? I would appreciate the help Thank you

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Nutanix kFWK67 Jan 29, 2019

If you are in US, I can refer you for Nutanix.

Amazon JesozB Jan 29, 2019

What location are you in? DM me your LinkedIn profile.

Amazon ibuddha Jan 29, 2019

I can refer too. My org is hiring a lot of external L4s. Message me.

Amazon DynamoDB Jan 29, 2019

If you applied already, a referral won't do anything.

IBM pasthunkha OP Jan 29, 2019

I applied on April I am not sure if enough time elapsed already

Amazon DynamoDB Jan 29, 2019

Oh, then you should be fine. 6 months is the cool-off period. I can refer you if you want. DM me.

IBM pasthunkha OP Jan 30, 2019

I pm’ed you guys