Misc.Nov 24, 2018

Another black man killed by US police

Just last week US police had shot dead a black security guard who was protecting the property from robbers. Now US police shot dead another person of color whom they "thought" was the shooter. Yes I'm Indian TC: 250K Shame of this system. Don't know if i want my children to grow up on this blood thirsty society. https://www-m.cnn.com/2018/11/24/us/alabama-mall-hoover-shooting/index.html?r=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnn.com%2F

Alabama mall gunman still at large after police say armed man killed by officer 'likely did not fire' shots
Alabama mall gunman still at large after police say armed man killed by officer 'likely did not fire' shots
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tLFu71 Nov 24, 2018

Liberals want more government in everyone’s life and keep voting for it, this is more government in everyone’s life.

Microsoft twkh55 Nov 24, 2018

Yea dude it's those liberals, I bet the cop is a Leftists!

Google prodaccess Nov 24, 2018

Yeah. Blue Alabama.

Compass FUPayMe Nov 24, 2018

Cops are violent against black people. Hopefully this will change one day.

Microsoft twkh55 Nov 24, 2018

He looked like a gangster amiryte

Amazon ☻☻ OP Nov 24, 2018

I'm Indian. In my previous startup company my white colleague told me that my github profile picture looks like a gangster. I was new to US then so I didn't realize he was being racist. White people see all people of color as "gangster"

Workday Dr. SaaS Nov 24, 2018

I don’t know...I’m middle eastern and can say that a lot of people look “gangster” to me in this country.

Intel Iffno Nov 24, 2018

Don’t Indians and Pakistani’s blow each other up all the time in Kashmir?

Amazon ☻☻ OP Nov 24, 2018

Both are armed. And one is not supposed to protect the other. Here the police is supposed to serve black people as well. But they take black lives as if they mean nothing

Intel Ynot231 Nov 24, 2018

No more than others

Citibank Slurpsurp Nov 24, 2018

No group is more violent against black people than black people.

Apple c94087 Nov 24, 2018

Every group is more violent against their own race. People kill, rob, sell drugs to people that live in close proximity to each other. Yes your statement is true but if you replace ‘black’ with any other arbitrary color it will also be true in most instances 🤓

Intel Iffno Nov 24, 2018

It just happens 8x as more frequently with black people killing black people.

Apple c94087 Nov 24, 2018

The US was founded on racism. Persecution of the minority will always exist in the current system. Police shootings of innocent blacks have always occurred. With the mass use of smartphone camera technology it is much easier for the population to capture such atrocities. Do not let this stop you and your family from persuing your dreams in the US. Teach your kids their heritage as well as the ‘true’ history of the US. Btw I am black and I grew up around plenty of violence in the inner city. I have become somewhat numb to it but I do not ignore what I see....

Intel Iffno Nov 24, 2018

Slavery was the norm until capitalism ended it.

Apple c94087 Nov 24, 2018

Really? Norm as defined by who? 🤓Slavery has, does, and will always exist in some form or another. The norm you most likely are referring to is what you read from history books regarding the European/African slave trade.

Procore Lovemyson Nov 24, 2018

When are we going to start fearing white guys who are veterans? I am grateful for their service but they have been going crazy as they aren’t being helped with PTSD. Maybe we should start profiling them.

Microsoft Mr.Robot. Nov 24, 2018

That’s racist

Cisco zGcY85 Nov 25, 2018

Feinstein already does. Along with plenty of others. PTSD has nothing to do with it you can PTSD from a car crash. This is a very ignorant and quite possibly racist post that does nothing to help anyone it just stirs the pot some more.

Nullify Nov 25, 2018

As a black man in Canada I’m happy with my life