Tech IndustryMay 2, 2019

Backend engineer to Android/iOS developer

Is the only way to get hired as Android/iOS developer is by publishing some apps? Which companies hire people without mobile app development experience? I tried to do something on side. But the idea I took is almost a social network and it involves heavy back end work. By the time I finished back end work, now I have to focus on jump shipping as current company won't do GC. Also, I want to leave ASAP from this place. I have great rush for Android app development. My brain feels dumb when I work on B2B products or backend. In other words, the fire and spark in me is gone for backend, whereas I feel Android app development more curious. Please help. Please. Note: I don't want to put down any backend developers. I have been there, done that and I know how hard it is. No job is inferior to anything. Period. TC: 100K YOE: 6 years

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OpenTable Meliodas May 2, 2019

You don’t necessarily need a published app. Unpublished apps are fine too. I can’t think of any company that would hire mobile developers without any experience. Even mobile interns have some app experience.

TripAdvisor jbth May 2, 2019

Don’t do it. If you feel dumb for backend. An Android job in faang will likely kill you.

Snapchat 🦄 unicorn Dec 6, 2019


Wayfair buyp85 May 8, 2019

Check out the Wayfair labs Android program. Sounds like exactly what you're looking for. Despite the bad engineering rep Wayfair gets on this site I would say the mobile teams are an exception.

sdeN00b Aug 25, 2021

I'm and android dev with 3 YOE, looking to learn and work on both android plus backend dev.