Business Tools at Google

Is it true that being a software engineer for the business tools team is defin an SWE position and level? I just want to check that leveling is the same and comp is the same. I heard at Facebook that enterprise engineering is not SWE and also pays less than a full fledged SWE and I’m wondering if this is the same case at google. Thanks!

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Marvell Popcorn OP Feb 26, 2018

Thank you.

Google drg Feb 26, 2018

There's a role called SETI. Software Engineer, Tools and Infrastructure. It's very close to regular SWE. Not a bad thing, but not exactly the same as SWE. I don't think you need to interview to change between them, but I'm not sure.

Marvell Popcorn OP Feb 26, 2018

Thank you.

Marvell Popcorn OP Feb 26, 2018

Actually the term the recruiter used was “business intelligence” and developing tools that other engineers inside G will be using.

Google Feb 27, 2018

What is the actual title?

Marvell Popcorn OP Feb 27, 2018

Something like “business intelligence developer” or something with “business intelligence” in it.

Google Feb 27, 2018

That definitely doesn’t sound SWE or even Application Engineer. Sounds more like one of those coding roles where you are the “technical” person in a non-tech team like Marketing or PeopleOps. We do have a few of those kinds of roles and they are tough to transfer out of because you’ll need to reinterview if you want to switch job ladders. Ask your recruiter which job family and which job ladder the role belongs.

Marvell Popcorn OP Feb 27, 2018

Thank you. This is very helpful.