Buying stock/options at future employer

Accepted an offer from Uber, and likely joining in a month. As being short stonk, short calls, long puts on employer stock might be considered insider trading, how does it work if you aren't part of the company yet? I like the price Uber's stonk is at now, I plan on going long ATM call options to march 2020. I have no access to non public information.

Apple Red4life93 Aug 15, 2019

Pretty sure you’re allowed to trade derivatives on any security you’ve been granted, even after joining the company. Obviously there’s going to be an extensive lock-out period during which you can’t exercise a trade, but if you buy calls now and the terminal date is March 2020, I don’t see why that should be blocked

Qualcomm #34$tyy@!× Aug 15, 2019

Not truem dervivative trading is illegal in many companies for company for which you work

Uber Aug 17, 2019

No derivatives allowed while employed at Uber

Indeed jCGR60 Aug 15, 2019

I always suggest keeping the fraction of your portfolio in the company you work at to 5% or less (maybe higher if you're single without a family or rich enough you'll never need the money). If the company goes down, you not only lose your investment, but also your income.

OpenTable Meliodas Aug 15, 2019

Most employers prohibit derivative trading of company stock while employed at the company. The acquisition date doesn’t matter. It is about the appearance of conflict and insider trading.