CompensationMar 5, 2019

Currently underpaid, 1.8 YOE in DC area. What to say for TC when recruiter asks?

I’m making 81k as a Software dev in Virginia with 1.8 YOE. I’ve been saying I’m looking for 95k TC whenever a recruiter asks me, but they don’t seem to have an issue with that number. Glassdoor says the average is 94k in the area. Am I asking for too little?

Lyft crossfire Mar 5, 2019

Yes. Rule 1: Don't give your current comp, instead give a rough expectation. Rule 2: Dont give a number, instead say you are flexible within a wide range. In your case I would say something like 90-150k or even more.

Visa xcsgV72 Mar 5, 2019

Even ranges are not ideal, you say 90-150 they just hear 90. Try to not give an expected number, say you’d prefer to make a decision after you’ve had more time to get to know the company

Amazon Cynimist Mar 5, 2019

Just say "I would like to see an offer around 150k but I am open to discussion, depending on the suitability of the role". If you go to them with 90-150 you will get 95.

Capital One Ma801 Mar 5, 2019

We get like 110k in DC for that YOE

Nielsen TrilGates Mar 5, 2019

Get out of DC. You're not valued there and never will be. As a software engineer, quant, Mathematician etc. you will never be as highly valued than in 5-6 cities/areas. 1. The Bay area 2. NYC 3. Seattle-Boston tie 4. Austin, TX 5. Chicago That's it.

cheeez OP Mar 5, 2019

Is this true for companies that have both DC and NY/those city locations? Should I be applying to the positions in the non-dc areas?

Nielsen TrilGates Mar 5, 2019

Yes. Region is certainly a major factor.

Intel Bob Swanny Mar 5, 2019

You must be working for a gov contractor (Raytheon, Northrop, BAE, etc).... they all pay low no matter the region...