Tech IndustryJan 10, 2019
Capital Oneuncle_rich

Do you actually enjoy Software Engineering?

Talked to a lot of engineers who are in the profession not because they actually like the work, but because it pays $$$. Wanted to open it up to the community to see where people stand.

420 Participants
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Vertivco FastPapuan Jan 10, 2019

Yes. But SOME people don't appreciate that passion and teamwork and will prevent you from making software

Paperless Post AlphaAF Jan 10, 2019

How the fuck software engineering and doing leetcode for fun fit into one category?

Capital One uncle_rich OP Jan 10, 2019

Can you truly call yourself a devout engineer if you dont leetcode all day erryday (and enjoy it too)? /s

cato Jan 10, 2019

Yeah I’d rather solve real problems

Microsoft Chippah Jan 10, 2019

I love it but don’t leetcode

cato Jan 10, 2019

Yeah I selected the first answer but I’ve never once “leet coded”

Collective Health fallenFor Jan 10, 2019

I really do like software engineering but no I don’t like leetcode

Uber SuperAdmin Jan 10, 2019

Missing option: like/love it, but spend enough time doing it at work, so not going to do leetcode as a hobby.

Microsoft sudo ls Jan 10, 2019

I love it when it mostly works - I hate it when I’m banging my head against the wall over something stupid.

Verizon TheRealOJ Jan 10, 2019

Hmm.. try this next time: Code.FuckedUp And do something like maybe //Code.FuckedUp So far so good

Vertivco FastPapuan Jan 10, 2019

That code looks like crushed up animal feet. This is shit.

Microsoft Dr. 13 Jan 10, 2019

Not that passionate about it. It's ok.

Capital One whhdhdhe d Jan 10, 2019

@uncle_rich most engineers we work with are bad and aren’t representative of good engineers

Capital One uncle_rich OP Jan 10, 2019

But I thought we’re a real tech company and we only hire top talent. JKJK. In all seriousness though, I have met a good number of talented (and passionate) engineers at C1, they just aren’t the norm. And...most of them choose to exit the company at some point.

Capital One whhdhdhe d Jan 10, 2019

They aren’t the norm and I pray for the day I can join them on the way out some day soon . Tired of working with mediocre people

Google hEks28 Jan 10, 2019

Solving problems you care about it fun. Dealing with people who don't share your passion starts taking a toll on you over time.

Microsoft 🐙M🐙 Jan 10, 2019

Sitting at a computer looking at code all day is not my favorite. But I’m not nearly as good at anything else that pays so well