RelationshipsJul 14, 2018

Improving myself?

I'm an introvert and my hobbies are solitary and not conducive to meeting other people. How do I fix this? Also I don't really have a tribe so to speak but would like to be a part of one, how does one do that? Also if there's an extrovert who wants to adopt me, I'm here in SF :D

SigFig vstartup Jul 14, 2018

Try to find groups of people around you on something like meetup with similar hobbies. Sports/ hiking or whatever you like.

VMware YPjv47 Jul 14, 2018

Try out new hobbies !

Tinder meowimacat Jul 15, 2018

Yo OP just wanted to say your intentions are in the right place but don't try to change your personality to be an extrovert, it won't be genuine

Wells Fargo tweedler Jul 15, 2018

Depends on your race