Tech IndustryOct 29, 2019

Job search prep period

I currently have been working at my current company for a year and a half. It's my first job out of college and money is good but not what it could be at a Fang company. Technical interviews have never been my forte and I need to dedicate at least a month or two to be proficient enough to interview. I'm considering quitting my current job so I can make time to study because at my current job. I lack passion for what I do and it kills my enthusiasm by the time I come home to study for interviews after work. Anyone had ever been in this position?

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Amazon weeeeeeee Oct 29, 2019

> lack passion for what I do So why do it? Go do something you enjoy. Also, don’t quit prior to getting a new job.

Esri Jfno75 OP Oct 29, 2019

Well it's more like my current job at my current company is very mundane. Work culture is very introverted so it's my work place making me miserable too. I know it's not advised to quit prior to another job but it's currently making me feel depressed and demotivated when otherwise I could be excited to practice coding problems and learning more about languages and frameworks. Guess what I'm saying is this a good trade-off for my time

WeWork Wee Oct 29, 2019

Ask a friend, join a meetup/group to find motivation/peers/opportunities.. as others said don’t quit without another job lined up at your stage in your career.

US Navy fps_doug Oct 29, 2019

Stick it through, don't quit. Unemployment gaps are bad. Getting a job in a month or two isn't guaranteed. Use your bad day job as motivation to work on your skills. Work hard on yourself when you get off work. Good luck

Maryam Oct 29, 2019

Everyone is right, don’t quit without a job or a really strong network. I did it twice and regretted it both times.