Misc.Jul 4, 2018

LeetCode in Chicago

Hi, I hope this isn’t out of place. Just wondering if any of you folks residing in Chicago want to meet and do some LeetCode together. I need practice with backtracking (can’t find too many good resources or chapters in CLRS), DP. Let me know. Thanks, Mo

CoreLogic mNYB75 Jul 4, 2018

you may also find tons of explanation video on youtube

Mo007 OP Jul 4, 2018

For sure.

Microsoft mstomania Jul 4, 2018

How would you do leetcode together? It's not suitable for pair programming as the LC questions only involve at most 30 lines of code.

Mo007 OP Jul 4, 2018

True, and I understand that, but we’d only talk to each other if one needs clarification or a hint. That’s what I was trying to ask for. I don’t want hand holding, not beneficial to either party whatsoever.

Cornerstone innooooo Jul 4, 2018

These things never end up working out. Just another form of procrastinating.

Mo007 OP Jul 4, 2018

Thing is, I never ever want to look at any solutions until I have my own working solution that I am happy with (clean code and performant). Am I correct for doing so? Or should I take the liberty to just look at solutions when I’m completely at a loss for what to do.

United Airlines kukuhead Jul 22, 2018

Have a individual project to work on and build on. Research on the solution and build up your own project. Thats how you learn. Watching or reading up material without any scope is a waste of time since you will not be able to apply that skill anywhere and hence forget. Applied programming is the best!