Tech IndustryJan 7, 2019

Life Coaching - Free, for now...

Hello Blind Community- I’m working toward an Executive Coaching certification and nearly complete in my training. However, I need to log at least 5 hours of client Coaching with 5 different people in January. These sessions will be free of charge and can cover any number of subjects or situations. For example: -Maybe you’d like to gain clarity and/or take action on solving or addressing a particularly confusing, overwhelming or stressful subject or situation. -What is holding you back in your career, your relationships, your dreams? Is there a subconscious or limiting belief you know is keeping you stuck? - Do you have an exciting idea or goal or dream and don’t know where to begin? What Coaching is: Coaching is a healthy, positive and enabling process that develops the capacity of people to solve today’s business or personal problems. Coaching can impact people at a deep level and rekindle what deeply matters to them and create the trajectory for their life they’ve always wanted. What Coaching isn’t: Coaching is not counseling, therapy or consulting. The coaching experience is meant to move fast and produce rapid results. A lot can happen in just 1 hour. It can be as simple as a small action step you’ve been hesitant to take, or as life-changing as a breakthrough that takes your life in a whole new direction. DM me and we’ll go from there!

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Akamai Technologies Trn Jan 7, 2019

This is Amway guy

Amazon LifeCoach OP Jan 7, 2019 This is the program I’m enrolled in. It’s phenomenal.

Amazon what¿ Jan 7, 2019

OP, do they encourage you to train other coaches?

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Amazon LifeCoach OP Jan 8, 2019

Yes, I’m white and while I know you’re being condescending, it’s a human “thing.” Coaching can be a very effective and rapid solution to so many difficult situations and problems. I’ve never seen more people in pain than on Blind. I’d love to be able to help.

Amazon Jan 8, 2019

I was saying in the least racist way possible. Brown people life coaching: stop complaining idiot

Facebook pipirupiru Jan 7, 2019


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RackWare Dreamlight Jan 8, 2019

Uhh, don't be mad. Everyone makes mistakes. Let him learn from it.

Amazon Kirkland5 Jan 8, 2019

Sound interesting. Where do I sign up

Amazon LifeCoach OP Jan 8, 2019

Send me a DM please!

NerfIndian Jan 8, 2019

I'm in. How does this work?

Amazon LifeCoach OP Jan 8, 2019

DM me your email and we can set up some time. Thanks!

Zendesk tangerine8 Jan 8, 2019

What makes a person qualified to be a life coach? Not trying to troll, just a genuine question, as bad advice from a trusted source can really mess someone up.

Tarot Jan 8, 2019

A certificate.

Amazon LifeCoach OP Jan 8, 2019

Thanks for asking. It’s a fairly intensive year-long program with required practice hours with a final exam at the end. Not everyone passes and not everyone is certified, so the skeptics are correct that some ppl skate by on a worthless fake certificate. I’ll eventually be certified internationally by the ICF.