Gaming IndustryJun 6, 2019

People who love working in Gaming: What are your experiences?

Trying to get more inspiration to join Gaming, because it's something I've wanted to do for a while:For people who love it -- what do you love?

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Google 键盘侠 Jun 6, 2019

Gaming and working in gaming is totally different, I would think twice.

Microsoft 206wrkr Jun 6, 2019

I found the people in gaming to be odd, immature and generally lacking the ability to be anything other than juvenile. This included decision making and day to day interactions with co-workers - at all levels of title/position.

Microsoft Summoner99 Jun 6, 2019

Sounds like general software development.

Netflix Thats_It Jun 6, 2019

As a female, I didn’t enjoy the sexism and misogyny. As a human being, I didn’t like the egos, lack of wlb, overall volatility of the industry.

Netflix Thats_It Jun 6, 2019

What’s better than the money is being treated with respect and that your opinions are considered valuable. That’s worth more than the money.

Reddit y34bas Jun 6, 2019

Don’t go, it’s bad.

NBCUniversal Xuio Jun 7, 2019

I love the fact that I make people feel things and get people through hard times or make good times even better. I love seeing the communities and groups that form around the games I have made over the course of my career. I love, more often than not, the people that I have worked with across my career. It can be very fulfilling. It can also be very difficult, volatile and sad when poor decisions come to roost. All said, I have been in this business now for 13 years and while I am sometimes compelled to explore other spaces out of curiosity or money - the overall experience keeps me rooted firmly in place. If you have questions, feel free to message me I would be more than happy to help.