Hardware IndustryMay 15, 2019

Resources for Digital Design Interviews

There are lot of websites for interview preparation for software design, but I am finding it hard to find good resources or websites for hardware design interviews. I was reading a thread where they have a website where software folks can take mock interviews. Any such place for hardware folks?

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Samsung isk_kamina May 15, 2019

HW is generally more tied to the area and domain you’re in. I guess it may be harder to cover it like the generic process for SW. Usually relevant books should suffice, isn’t it?

Intel RTL_ OP May 18, 2019

Well there are many aspects of it which are common like cdc, lint, power management etc

Intel Kitten420 May 17, 2019

Someone needs to create a leetcode kinda website for HW.

Intel RTL_ OP May 18, 2019

Or at least a database of good question. All I see is how to use nand as inverter. 🤦‍♂️