Tech IndustryAug 8, 2019
Capital Onevorfreude

Spotify Product / what's it like?

Interested in applying to Spotify as a tech po or PM, can anyone share their experience at Spotify product? What it's like, how you like it, pain points etc?

Workday tdf Aug 8, 2019

You know the drill - TC or ..

Spotify iPNh35 Aug 9, 2019

It's incredibly slow and frustrating. Blind leading the blind. A lot of PM's especially from the start of Spotify ended up in higher positions without actually learning how to PM, our interviews suck at filtering good from bad cos they didn't know what makes a good PM, and most of the structure put in place feel like it's there to stop people making bad decisions but it also stops people making good decisions. Be prepared for spending 9-12 months trying to get the ball rolling on something the company needs and then having a team of 5-6 people who dont know what they're doing needing to be in every meeting and influencing the product direction. And there's heaps of swedes so you can't even call them on it cos it's against company culture. It's probably one of the least effective and slow and pathetic companies I've ever seen for PM. Good luck lol

Spotify bubbedty Aug 9, 2019


Spotify WXUp28 Aug 9, 2019

Hey, we have like few places where actual PM work is happening. Unfortunately they tend to fall apart, because Swedes hate overperformers(