Tech IndustryOct 14, 2019

TPM onsite interview at Facebook

Hi folks, I have an upcoming TPM onsite interview at Facebook. Can someone who has recently gone through this process guide me towards how to prep. i believe there are going to be 2 System design and 3 behavioral/Leadership rounds. For system design interviews i am curious to know what level of technical details should I talk about when designing the system. I have seen some system design videos on youtube but not sure if that is the right format/structure/level of detail. Your help will be highly appreciated. Thank you.

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Wells Fargo mavaney! Oct 14, 2019


zNkd4 Oct 14, 2019

hey found one pointer for you: good luck!

Facebook Raptor77 Oct 14, 2019

I have been the engineer in TPM loops; System design - you better be as good as E4 SWE else its buh- bye early.

Amazon yrgdusk Oct 14, 2019

Hold these standards!

Facebook Raptor77 Oct 14, 2019

You bet. Else we are in danger of becoming Amazon.

Expedia Group tpmworld OP Oct 15, 2019

Thank you for your feedbacks. I think am interviewing for a generalist TPM. What I mean by that is I don’t think there is any specific position that I am interviewing for. So in this case, any specific area/s that you would advise me focus for system design. Databases or communication protocols or Microservices/API designs. I realize all are extremely important for any large scale system to function but considering shorter prep time, any advice would be helpful. Thanks.

Facebook Raptor77 Oct 16, 2019

What’s a generalist TPM? Unlike SWEs TPMs are interviewed for a team. Your best bet is to have studied designing data intensive applications.

Gap rk@123 Oct 19, 2019

I can help you with that. For System design, they will give a problem where you need to build the solution. Think big while building solution, explain all component, trade-off, why you pick those component, talk about scalability, define use case