Tech IndustryJan 17, 2018

Tech Analyst vs DevOp Engineer

Hello I'm an undergraduate student, and I have two job offers. Please give me some advise for choosing a position for longterm career. I'm pretty interested in both position, but my goal is getting a SWE title. This time, I failed to get it so that I have to choose one of them. If I choose the bank company, I have a good opportunity of learning trading and big Data. Base Salary and Bonus of DevOp Engineer position at IT company is 30K higher than Technical Analyst position at a bank. The companies are both good, but IT company might be bigger than the bank. Which position is better? Please~~ Thank you for your time!

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Microsoft AMeq15 Jan 17, 2018


Oracle ClouDev Jan 17, 2018

If you seek SWE, then go for DevOps. Otherwise go for the Bank job, sounds more exciting.

Google graoqbdi Jan 17, 2018

DevOps. Technical analysts are in the process of being replaced by machines

Amazon NewbieDev Jan 17, 2018

Ehhhh debatable. The role will evolve with technology

HP NMKx36 Jan 17, 2018
