Tips on landing a job out of state?

This is my first time looking out of state with limited network in LA. Sorry for the lengthly info below, just want to make sure I am covering my bases lol. Things I’ve done on Linkedin: 1 - Wrote a summary and listed my specialities/strengths 2 - Updated my current and previous roles with performance metrics 3 - Sent a message when making a connection with people at companies I am interested in, but fail to get a conversation back after getting an “accept” from those connections 4 - Turned Career Interest “on” with location and title preference Resume - Made it one page: - Short blurb of my skills/qualifications - Software and hard skills - Current/prevous jobs with performance metrics, etc. - Contact info -> do I list where I currently am? Or would that reduce my odds of being reached out? What are some of your tips and advice on getting noticed on Linkedin / on resume? Anything I am missing? I have heard to switch my physical location on Linkedin so recruiters will notice me, but what should I say if that works and they reach out? Do I just state I am still not physically there but plan to after landing a job? Any (positive) feedback and help is appreciated! Thanks!

Hulu !?!?!?!?!? Nov 4, 2019

Take out the location out of your resume. With LinkedIn leave the location you want to move to. If they ask you be honest with them and let them know when you are moving

Amazon 408k54 OP Nov 4, 2019

Okay thanks, I will be sure to do that. Do you know if most companies pay for relo that are Tier 2 and above for a non-tech mid level role ?

Hulu !?!?!?!?!? Nov 4, 2019

Some do and some don't. It's really tough to say. It really depends on the position. Always be sure to ask the recruiter

Amazon Strong☕️ Nov 4, 2019

It’s smarter to plan a visit and meet with a few people who work where you want to. They will remember the effort and interest when a role comes available. Recruiters look for local first so you’re already in a hole and will need to really stand out.

Amazon 408k54 OP Nov 4, 2019

I’m visiting in two weeks and also in a couple months. I am having a hard time with people responding back on Linkedin unfortunately. I will try to reach out for a casual informational at companies I am interested in during the times I am in LA visiting. Thank for the advice!

Amazon Strong☕️ Nov 4, 2019

Have you tried someone in a manager role or just recruiters? Try for someone doing what you do and offer to buy the coffee and no more than 20 mins of their time. They will appreciate the courtesy of not misusing their time.

TuneIn CqjB42 Nov 5, 2019

In my experience of looking for work in LA no one will look at your resume unless your already here. Just lie about your location. Fly in for an interview. Move quickly if offered a job.

Hearst Communications JaAw38 Nov 5, 2019

I work in New York now, but was working in San Francisco for a number of years. I had a New York company hire me when I was still in San Francisco. I was honest with them about where I lived and they flew me out and hired me. Honesty is the best policy.

Amazon 408k54 OP Nov 5, 2019

How did you get them to notice you as a candidate? Any advice on how to stand out amongst NY applicants ?

JPMorgan Chase Em97 Apr 15, 2020

Did you make it out to LA? I’m trying to make the same move now. I’ve been applying since January with no luck. Would love to hear how your experience turned out!