RelationshipsFeb 2, 2018

Unmarried/single - what’s the problem?

Lots of people try to be encouraging and excuse being single and unmarried as not having met the right person. I think it’s true in some cases but it isn’t realistic that it’s true more than 20% of the time. What are some signs that indicate that if a person is unmarried and single, *they* are the problem? Asking for a friend 👀

Duck Creek M ZUccB0rg Feb 2, 2018

They’re a neck beard. Or the opposite, they’re a douche. Easy litmus Test

Uber spaghetty OP Feb 2, 2018

and for females?

Capital One jpKY70 Feb 2, 2018

Didn't you get the memo? Women are angels and shit rainbows. Off to the gulags with you!

Lyft VDUBS5 Feb 2, 2018

A lot of people have fun being single. I just got married, but I wouldn't have described my prior single life as problematic. It was a fucking blast

KPMG users_824 Feb 2, 2018

Was it a matter of just not having met your wife yet or do you feel like the single life prepared your for the married life? Would you have been dedicated if you meet your current wife earlier?

Microsoft roNNyK Feb 2, 2018

Hey friend. Hindsight is 20/20. Remaining single could be a big blessing in disguise. Enjoy your life. BTW, not being single doesn’t mandate being “married”. 😊

CareerBuilder hdTI13 Feb 2, 2018

Why is being unmarried a problem? I enjoy being married, but I enjoyed being single, too.

Uber spaghetty OP Feb 2, 2018

I don’t know. Maybe it isn’t? I like my life and I have fun in it. I want marriage/children one day though and when everyone around you starts entering that part of life it makes you wonder if something is wrong with you or if your story is simply different. I like to think I’m pretty self aware but maybe I’m so familiar with myself that I am missing something, so wondering what some common themes might be for why people stay single (involuntarily).

Twitch Chin Chin Feb 2, 2018

Maybe they like being single?! My bf and I didn't like being around married people, they often look miserable, but hide it. Just enjoy life, find hobbies, why get tied down?

Uber spaghetty OP Feb 2, 2018

I probably should have clarified I’m referring to people that actually want these things but haven’t found them

Microsoft richardhea Feb 2, 2018

Being married is the ultimate way to piss away your life. 🍆

Uber spaghetty OP Feb 2, 2018

What about having children in a marriage? People seem so fulfilled with starting families. I can understand why.

Microsoft richardhea Feb 2, 2018

Children are even worse time sink. Twenty years later you can say you raised a child, just like six billion other people. Ooptie dooptie doo! 🍆

Twitch Chin Chin Feb 2, 2018

LMAO look at this lounge lizard and chronic masturbator, typical M$ employee. Wishing your parents aborted you

Microsoft MP3 Feb 2, 2018


Google liam Feb 2, 2018

Legal system doesn't make marriage an attractive option for men.

Xilinx zinqy Feb 2, 2018

Unless u have women in your life - sister, daughter. And then as a, u thank the same legal system and in some states, thank the state laws too.

Duck Creek M ZUccB0rg Feb 2, 2018

No need to bring race into this. Most of us ain’t brothas

Amazon jc137 Feb 2, 2018

I can't trust women. Nor do I trust my ability to choose the right woman.

Microsoft MP3 Feb 2, 2018

Stuck between a rock and a hard place 😉

Microsoft mfpF03 Feb 2, 2018

It is because married people are statistically miserable. Just look at the divorce rate and at the percentage of sex-less marriages. There is 0 rational reason to get married as a guy in the USA.