Tech IndustryNov 5, 2019

Want to Relocate NYC

My GF is there and we been 4y relationship, I always want to relocate over there, what would be good companies position over there? TC WLB etc,.

Microsoft himitsu Nov 5, 2019

Many similar posts on Blind but I’ve always thought of NYC as a place to enjoy while single and the Bay Area as place to move back to when in a committed relationship to maximize TC.

Google WrCP42 Nov 5, 2019

Make sure your relationship is Rock solid before you move, if she's the only reason you're moving there.

Softvision AOoB63 Nov 5, 2019

I moved to New York in 2008 because my ( now ex ) boyfriend moved here the year before … Now after a decade the boyfriend is gone from my life and New York ... and I still live here and love it 😊 ..... in my experience there is nothing to lose by moving to New York !

Cengage Learning MWMM03 Nov 6, 2019

NYC is one of if not the best place to be single

Allscripts slTa84 Nov 5, 2019

If you want REAL diversity, come to NYC

Fastmail mi gente Nov 5, 2019

Where are you moving from ?

SumoGuy Nov 6, 2019

Many of the Bay Area companies have big shops in NYC now, notable ones being Goog/FB/Amazon/LinkedIn/Uber/Lyft/Dropbox etc. TC similar to Bay Area. WLB depends, but you will most likely not drive to work, so commute is way better and more predictable. Last but not the least, there is no place like NYC 🙂🤘, it truly rocks