Tech IndustryOct 12, 2019

Waymo Vs Google (Assistant)

If you have an offer from both, which one will you choose? TC: 240

120 Participants
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Google Minami Oct 12, 2019

Why not post this in the internal forum? Most of the voters here have worked at neither. It is like asking Texans whether one would rather live in India or Russia.

Google 40Yearsold OP Oct 12, 2019

I feel like Internal Google employees will be very biased: grass is always greener on the other side, but I’ll post this internally in a few days

IIlIllIlII Oct 13, 2019


Google chawal Oct 12, 2019

Waymo employees are on internal Google too.

Google GangGame Oct 12, 2019

Personally I'd do assistant because i use and like the product. Waymo might be better for your career if it takes off though

Google UEWw70 Oct 12, 2019

If u want TC, assistant. If u want to learn, Waymo.

Waymo PdAX50 Oct 12, 2019

You can learn a lot in either place and have high TC in either place. I'd say the difference is more megacorp vs. large startup, and liquid TC vs TC with risk and upside. I like Waymo solidly more than I liked Google, including compensation.

Waymo PdAX50 Oct 12, 2019

I've worked at both, and I'd say Waymo.

Google chawal Oct 12, 2019

When you transfer from Google to waymo, you don't get any initial waymo grant right? It's just refreshers

Waymo PdAX50 Oct 12, 2019

No comment. go/grow if you're interested!

Google fastgrow Apr 24, 2020

Does Waymo have gsu and refres?

Facebook fbb Apr 24, 2020

Would they give the same TC or would Waymo give more since it's paper RSU?

Google ulMA21 Apr 26, 2020

I ended up staying at Google since the TC@Waymo seems less to me