PoliticsJan 12, 2019

Why people are still supporting trump?

https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mind-in-the-machine/201812/complete-psychological-analysis-trumps-support?fbclid=IwAR1bup7ZNka98AIxaAi7U-5BP_n8XOq1WCsaCqDJNc2MxbX6ryCLBAL2_mc There are a lot of blind folks who seem to adamantly support trump leaving a lot of us mesmerized. This article does a good job of understanding where those folks come from.

A Complete Psychological Analysis of Trump's Support
A Complete Psychological Analysis of Trump's Support
Psychology Today
Oath Atinlay Jan 12, 2019

Nothing biased about that! 🙄

Box snakeoil OP Jan 12, 2019

Lol what? There's like 14 categories, I am sure you'll find your place.

Oath Atinlay Jan 12, 2019

And I’m sure your side will lose (again) in 2020 if you keep up that mindset

Akamai Technologies Trn Jan 12, 2019

How do you think he won

Box snakeoil OP Jan 12, 2019

The point isnt "he won" or "shouldn't have won".

TripAdvisor owlwise Jan 12, 2019

Anomaly. He won by 70k votes over 3 states because Hillary emails.

Facebook Dckslp Jan 12, 2019

Unless the Democrats can get their act together and pick someone as a viable candidate, we'll have trump for another 4 years. The Dems are delusional if they think Clinton, Harris, Warren, or Sanders are electable.

Box snakeoil OP Jan 12, 2019

Who are you going to bring up out of the blue? Those are the only viable candidates! I would love to see AOC, even if she doesnt win primaries.

Microsoft stayfitcop Jan 12, 2019

No thanks. F everything about 70% taxes.

Microsoft OqRz31 Jan 12, 2019

Trump supporter - I am so happy he is building space force Reporter - what is space force ? Trump supporter - I don’t know , but you know it’s going to be great whatever it is.

Facebook tynext Jan 12, 2019

I'm not worried about it. He won't get a chance to run again. He's definitely a Russian asset.

Box snakeoil OP Jan 12, 2019

Innocent until proven otherwise.

Facebook tynext Jan 12, 2019

Yes that is why Mueller is working on uncovering the crimes of the most corrupt president in history.

PayPal vdAR66 Jan 12, 2019

Because we are anti sjw, anti snowflake, anti socialism, anti tax, etc etc etc

Box snakeoil OP Jan 12, 2019

Okay, be proud that you are anti-"x"

PayPal vdAR66 Jan 12, 2019

Proud to be pro trump

Wayfair bGkf75 Jan 12, 2019

Haha... blatantly biased left. Can’t wait to laugh my ass off when he wins in 2020 😂

Box snakeoil OP Jan 12, 2019

Yeah me too. I laugh at majority of delusional cucks voting out of fear of nonexistent threats 😂😂

stuY17 Jan 19, 2019

There is literally nothing to laugh about. It's like laughing at a cancer patient for being bald and puking after chemo. This whole nation is ill and there is no cure in sight 🤷‍♂️

stuY17 Jan 12, 2019

These people are the same profile as those who elected Hitler. Out of sheer desperation for change and healthy dose of general lack of common sense, stupidity and same sheep mentality that keeps millions addicted to Facebook 🤷‍♂️

Box snakeoil OP Jan 12, 2019

Yep. Sadly, we never learn from history.

Apple magikarp16 Jan 12, 2019

Hitler was probably smarter than Trump. Trump kicks Hitler’s ass when it comes to incompetence and dumbness.

Microsoft UMbR31 Jan 12, 2019

As a FOB Indian person, Trump getting elected and reelected, with potentially wider margin, makes complete sense to me. I'm amazed that you folks don't get this. Drive 1 hour outside any tech metropolis and you'll immediately get it. Majority of 'core' Americans have neither had an increase in income in the last 25 years nor hope that it'll happen in their lifetime. They see their sons and daughters don't have an American dream. They have nothing to lose by rolling the dice for someone who speaks their mind. You all really should leave your Pacific Heights condos and Cupertino SFHs and get a feel for real America. Donald Trump just about to sweep 2020 with a historic victory margin.

Apple magikarp16 Jan 12, 2019

Indian here as well. Fully agree with this. Republicans are shit for sure but they are able to reach the people Democrats seem to deny the existence of. There are genuine problems in many regions outside the mainstream democrat leadership’s view. While dems offer no solution to those problems, Republicans offer bad solutions to those problems. Guess who people will vote for. This is sad and Democrats need to get their act together and address this. Have seen this happen in India since forever though there are more factors at play there.

Microsoft MP3 Jan 12, 2019

When the political situation/time is right a dictator/totalitarian government appears. What is hilarious is that given how much Trump haters love science, education, it doesn’t seem like they’ve ever read a good history book, have no idea about human nature past their virtue signaling.

Twitter zExo21 Jan 12, 2019

Dumbness is a chronic disease