actaurial science specialization worth

Is pursuing Actuarial science quals worth when you’re in IT consulting roles yoe 15 yrs having done domain consulting on several cots products but not specifically in actuarial sciences

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Hulu iAMmeNOTu Sep 14, 2019

If you're truly trying to do actuarial then it's a process..but TC is good

Syntel oPdS58 OP Sep 14, 2019

Thanks. I know fully well it’s a process and I do it out of self interest but wonder if it’s going to fetch the Roi in IT Consulting roles

Hulu iAMmeNOTu Sep 14, 2019

If you can do a mesh of the two then you're golden! I always wanted to do actuarial but always felt it was too hard (must be super smart & disciplined which I wasn't either 😂)