StartupsJan 6, 2020

๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ or ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿผ:Outsourcing a prototype?

Hey blind peeps My cofounder and I are interested in building a website. We are very early days: no funding, pre-revenue, and dont have a development background. We want a working prototype to attract some early revenue - and Ideally - a technical co-founder. unfortunately, the devs Iโ€™ve spoken to in my network agreed that the idea has a solid TAM and market fit (due to knowing the pain firsthand) but they are very well compensated and just dont have the risk/effort profile to try something on nights and weekends as a technical co-founder. Question: should we avoid outsourcing development? Please keep in mind weโ€™ve exhausted our own networks trying to find a technical cofounder and are aware of the possibility of attracting one if we get funded. We are also trying not to partner with a technical cofounder we dont know.

73 Participants
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Oracle pzd Jan 6, 2020

I think outsourcing is the sane thing to do. Try to get it done somewhere cheap, ideally Eastern Europe. Get a technical co-founder, raise some money, hire some developers, rewrite everything.

Citadel BrutะตForce Jan 6, 2020

Easter Europe, but not Russia. ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿป

Google SergeyBlin Jan 6, 2020

What's wrong with Russia?

Airbnb wise taco Jan 6, 2020

What kind of website?

OKoX56 Jan 6, 2020

DM me I can hook you up with a pretty good company that does this type of early prototyping

Cisco ๐ŸŸฅ๐ŸŸจ๐ŸŸฉ jah Jan 6, 2020

Iโ€™m a FANG engineer that is working on a side project that blew up. I hired someone to build my frontend because (I) I hate UI shit and (II) I didnโ€™t have the time to do it with my schedule since I was interviewing. You need a technical co-founder or you wonโ€™t raise a penny

HXwF46 Jan 6, 2020

Make sure you have assignment of IP signed by any and all contractors and founders. The corp owns it all, not anyone else. Specific docs needed as well for logos, brands and trademarks done by any designers

Informatica unblvbl Jan 6, 2020

You need to prove that you can get MVT ( Minimum Viable Team). It means : Learn to code or find someone with the right skill to join the team. If you cant then sorry ... try harder or quit

H&R Block Olve60 Jan 6, 2020

Outsourcing without funding secured? For me, startups outsourcing is when you cant get enough funding( but got some) and you need to stay in that u got 1M funding and you need to fit the work in that budget utilizing cheap labor sources. Today what you need is proving business idea profitability and knowing time span to profitability to early investor companies/people. They hear 100s of ideas so if they think it's worth pursuing they will fund you and you can build the product faster with proper backing and guidance. Also, they may have dev sweat shop somewhere they can add your project to for more % of company etc.

H&R Block Olve60 Jan 6, 2020

Also, dont be greedy, mindfully give up equity to get your fundings. Stay away from people with deals like Mr Wonderful ๐Ÿ˜„

Oracle pzd Jan 6, 2020

What sort of a VC will give you money without even a prototype?