
Thank you AAPL and NVDA

Touched a big milestone today thanks to these two giants. Invest your money folks!! #personal finance Age 34 Yoe 10 Tc 380k Hh tc 450k

Microsoft πx May 3

I did. I invested in AMD when the price was $180. Fuck me.

Cruise DTargaryen May 4

Same, I invested when it was $195

Apple mangamania OP May 4

If it’s any consolation I’m with you guys on this one 😂

Google ACbQ53 May 3

What’s with the sharp drawdown?

Apple mangamania OP May 3

The big spike up was just loan refinancing that was not synced. The fall was due to Covid market crash

Microsoft @copilot May 3

Hey, did you know you have 9 accounts that need attention?

Meta rTyUiOpL May 3

Those might be OPs mortgage and loan accounts which he isn’t accounting in NW calculations 😂

Apple mangamania OP May 3

Nah they’re just old unused credit card accounts and old car loan accounts that are closed but credit karma is garbage. I have all my current loans and assets accounted for in this. Some old health savings accounts also refuse to login on credit karma so actually I’m missing about 20k in this net worth.

Walmart isudddj May 3

how much is your principal amount?

Apple mangamania OP May 3

It’s over the years so I don’t even remember. But year in year my growth has been atleast 40%.

Meta rTyUiOpL May 3

why is your returns so low?

Apple mangamania OP May 3

Diversification. Sure returns could’ve been higher but I also value stability during market downturns especially because of immigration visa issues and layoffs

Microsoft indicates May 3


Apple mangamania OP May 3


John Deere maze331 May 3

Advice for a 20 years old in 2024? My goal is millionaire before 30

Apple mangamania OP May 3

Invest max tax free in 401k and hsa. 34% Tax saved is direct gains. Keep emergency savings in hysa for 6 months expenses or 9 months if market bad for employment. DCA and Invest rest in vti/index funds till you have 60% of your savings invested in index funds. Remaining 40% invest in VARIOUS individual stocks. Balance this out a little riskier at 40-60 if you’re young. As you grow older , you can rebalance to diversify. Get into a FAANG and become a core contributor in a team with actual products. This is the formula. Note this shit down. This is the lazy way to get rich and get lucky too.

Intel 09kIWHv4 May 3

JL Collins, "The Simple Path To Wealth" (free online at his site). Real estate can supercharge things up and down, but just investing early and often has historically been a pretty decent option.

Intel 09kIWHv4 May 3

Congratulations. It's motivational for me to see fellow worker bees building wealth.

Apple mangamania OP May 3

Hustling to get out of the rat race asap.

Samsara NYSE: IOT May 4

At what number would you get out?

Amazon _libre May 3

This is crazy, it seems to be taking me forever for 1 mil

Apple mangamania OP May 3

1 million was hardest. Getting to 2 from 1 was easier

Apple wuVP85 May 3

How did you manage to grow your assets like this op ?

JPMorgan Chase EastD1628 May 3

Good work op 👍

Apple mangamania OP May 3

Thanks bruh