Tech IndustryNov 9, 2020

Hootsuite to FAANG

Do you think it's possible to go from a very small company like hootsuite to Google or Amazon? I'm a full stack developer and security engineer! I worked on a couple of startups and I'm at my late 20s which worries me ( You might ask why so old? I was getting my Master's Degree)!

Robinhood asciiii Nov 9, 2020

Yes happens all the time

Deloitte war10ck OP Nov 9, 2020

How about my age? Doesn't it affect my journey?

Amazon fk3ngg Nov 10, 2020

Almost my entire team is 30+

Robinhood asciiii Nov 9, 2020

You’re still considered pretty young

Deloitte war10ck OP Nov 9, 2020

I'm happy to hear that! As soon as I graduated I got an interview from google and made some solid connections, however the interviews went on hold since my nationality didn't let me to get into US for the position that I was interviewing for

Uber babitibaba Nov 9, 2020

Isn't hootsuite twitter?

Deloitte war10ck OP Nov 9, 2020

No, it's a social media management software! I mean it's connected to Twitter APIs. Lol

Sony ttrickster Nov 10, 2020

totally possible imo

Genesys hunter7 Nov 18, 2020

So much of the Hootsuite alumni are in Amazon. A guy in my team went to Google

Hootsuite youdontkme Jun 27, 2022

I just got accepted by Apple, so it's definitely doable. Just remember to always allocate time to improve yourself, you'll definitely do it.