Tech IndustrySep 1, 2020

$400k in FB vs. Uber?

If you had to, which one would you invest $400k in today? FB is more stable but already has had its bull run. Also in a fight with Apple. Uber has been a perennial loser but I think the stock is poised for the moon if they can ever figure out profitability. Stonks only go up right? 📈 I’m basing my employment decision off you guys (since our TC is so tied to this RSU shit). Thanks. Both TC offers are the same, but I’m obviously currently at Uber. TC 300k #offer #tech #investments

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Stripe con cá 🐟 Sep 2, 2020

Choose the one that will make you happiest in areas other than equity growth. Buy stock in the other one.

Uber ubergone OP Sep 2, 2020

Great advice, thanks! Already have like $50k of Uber RSU. Figured I’d keep that and go to FB. That way if there’s a bull run, I don’t feel like I totally missed out...

eBay esay Sep 2, 2020

Apple, Tesla

Google Duh!!! Sep 2, 2020

No more than 10% of your investment should be in stock of a single company. I wouldnt be able to sleep otherwise, I would put 360k in VTI/VUG/VTsax and then rest either in Fb or Uber

Uber ubergone OP Sep 2, 2020

The intent of my post is that by being employed by either, I’m forced to have $400k invested in RSUs in either. So I’m looking for guidance form the Blind Gods on which one to bet the farm 😂

Uber orcko63gj Sep 2, 2020

What is your offer breakup at fb? E5?

Uber sndbrv Sep 2, 2020

Uber is pretty brutal at the moment. I’m sure it’ll pay dividends in the long run, just depends on how tolerable your current circumstances are. With profitability supposedly coming soon, it should be rewarding to hold our stock next year, hopefully enough to nullify the hardship getting there. It’s still speculative, FB is a more guaranteed, though lesser return.

Uber Hofy06 Sep 2, 2020

I'm pretty bullish on Uber in the medium term, in the 1-3 year range. Bearish short-term and long term