Is Workday really this bad?

UW paid $340 million to replace their finance system with Workday, and it immediately broke everything. They are still trying to recover. Payroll switch was also apparently a disaster. What are devs doing?

Workday odDV03 Mar 26

Sounds like the university and Deloitte screwed it up to me. Didn’t fully test and the blame falls on us? 🤷

Pure Storage NUST75 OP Mar 26

This is your product, from inception to deployment. Your comment simply shows you don’t care.

Workday odDV03 Mar 26

If an idiot staples their own hands with a stapler I built, it isn’t a bad stapler, it’s a bad purchaser—ditto cars, ditto every product lmao

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Pure Storage NUST75 OP Mar 26

The criticism in the article is pointed towards workday, not the idiot contractor: “”” the backlog of unpaid vendor invoices snarled by Workday, UW’s new “enterprise” software platform Workday, which replaced hundreds of legacy systems, is still disrupting UW’s portfolio of research grants, which cover nearly a fifth of its $10.4 billion annual budget Faculty say problems are even worse than for the 2017 upgrade of UW’s payroll system by Workday, which is made by a California firm of the same name. “””

Workday newpromos Mar 26

from the article it says they went live before critical processes were implemented or tested… so it sounds like their implementers screwed them a bit

Workday brown_rutb Mar 26

Workday can be bad, but reading the article, this failure doesn't fall on us. I am also very sure that the lessons learned here will be rolled into our system checks. Bad contractors who they had a relationship with screwed up. Nothing new for tech.

Workday wd6 Mar 26

You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. You can give somebody the safest car with the most features, but they can still be an idiot and hire someone without a drivers license to find a way to crash it into a wall.

Clari cdsd81 Mar 26

Workday is fking aweful tech stack makes me wanna throw up (espresso drop-down list GUI coding? ewww.....)

Pure Storage NUST75 OP Mar 26

Okay, I can tolerate the crappy quality as an employee who only needs bare minimum. I thought enterprise quality would be better and less confusing, but I was wrong.

Workday dtr074 Mar 27

If only both articles explained why...reading is hard folks.

Workday AxVI12 Mar 31

"More broadly, UW and its primary consultant, Deloitte, never adequately mapped out how Workday would interact with the many legacy systems UW planned to keep" Article is riddled with quotes about poor planning and training - which has nothing to do with "what are devs doing". PEBCAK