Wells Fargo or Hitachi Vantara

Hi, One of my friends who is not on blind having offers from Wells Fargo and Hitachi.Please suggest which one to join? Thanks

Philips EiwM48 Jul 13, 2022

Previously worked at Wells Fargo. Would suggest to join there

Hitachi Vantara pkkalive Dec 16, 2022

Don’t join hitachi vantara here you will loose yourself and your career is ruined

John Deere WmmU651 Jun 6, 2023

Hii, why is that ?

Hitachi Vantara pkkalive Jun 6, 2023

Here in hitachi if you get a opportunity to grow then terrorist managers say as per policy they can’t release you to other projects which you are interested. But if they want to grow then no policy no rules. Here managers are worst than terrorist. The projects you like they will say it is not good for your career and forcefully make you work in the project you don’t have any interest