RelationshipsOct 17, 2022

Promiscuity question for (Indian) Men

To my Indian male friends, do you guys talk to your wives/girlfriends (WAGs) about your sexual fantasy of having intercourse with other females (or your friends or friends of your WAGs, or neighbourhood females, co-worker etc.)? For context, many a times i say to my wife that i love <name>’s <body-part>, or i wana fcuk your college friend, etc. Do you guys do the same?

13 Participants
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Amazon Urukhaiyo Oct 17, 2022

WTF you’re that crazy neighbor

Salesforce dettoll OP Oct 17, 2022

you never know. but given the responses to the poll, i would say i am the only exception. other men seem to have never done this.

Microsoft 🍌’ville Oct 17, 2022

Are you insane? The typical Indian women will go batsh*t crazy if you say something like that. In fact, any woman will.

Salesforce dettoll OP Oct 17, 2022

but given the internet age we are living in, new generation Indian women must also be aware of things like polyamory, threesome, open marriages etc. do you think this is still a taboo thing to say to your wife?

LinkedIn 💦Retainer Oct 17, 2022

I used to do it with my gf who was bi and I would get lucky sometimes. So only if you wife is Bi then it might work and you may get lucky.

Amazon unkeha2 Oct 18, 2022

Would you be ok if she tells you that she wants to take that [] in her <> real hard??