Misc.Aug 25, 2022

What are some reasons to identify as “non-binary” (they/them)

I’m genuinely curious. I met a “girl” recently. By that I mean, she looks like a girl, talks like a girl, has girl parts, and actually just a normal person. But then she said “my pronouns are they/them”. I’m not brave enough to ask about the story behind that decision, so I’m genuinely curious why some people make this choice.

Plaid puttpurr Aug 25, 2022

Cause they want to. That’s mostly it.

Crunchyroll bbpenguin OP Aug 26, 2022

But why?

Plaid puttpurr Aug 26, 2022

Stick with me here….they want too. It’s like they’re them and they want to do it. And so then, they do it, motivated by them wanting to do so.

Ontic wnhO17 Aug 25, 2022

My younger sibling is female presenting but goes by they/them pronouns. They said they just don’t really feel attached to either of the genders/gender norms/gender roles that are generally associated with she/her. Everyone is different though, so their reasons for it could be different.

Google SundarPich Aug 25, 2022

Some people don't feel like they identify as a binary gender. There's lots of reasons. https://www.them.us/story/gender-neutral-pronouns-101-they-them-xe-xem

Google ml-chick Aug 25, 2022

you can just ask. if you ask 100 different people, you'll get 100 different stories. some may not be comfortable with sharing, so ask politely, e.g. "do you mind if I ask about your decision to identify as non-binary?"

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Plaid puttpurr Aug 25, 2022

I’m sorry for your struggles

Pegasystems OldRep10 Aug 25, 2022

I see no struggles

Apple honest_emp Aug 25, 2022

Let me try to understand , you mean they don’t feel like the gender they were born as or they can fluidly associate with any gender ?

Traveloka DX8xCZ Aug 25, 2022

Depends, because in non-binary group, there is also gender fluid e.q. some day they feel like a man and on some days woman, some days they don't like to define themselves. There are also some that think that society's social construction of man & woman don't fit for them. Gender identity (how someone could express themselves) could also changes with time so just because today they're a non-binary, it doesn't mean next year they won't be something else. Not everyone fits nicely in the boxes society creates. Be kind, in some ancient society, some even have higher privilege (e.q. a shaman /elder / witch doctor/oracle). They are people, like you, like me and anybody else.

Apple honest_emp Aug 26, 2022

Thanks for explaining

Qualtrics ccp007 Aug 25, 2022

Don't talk to her and save your energy

Salesforce @Dev Aug 25, 2022

Like they say don’t feed the trolls. She is looking for attention.

Adobe Smh22 Aug 25, 2022

Lol, they’re living their life. It’s not about you.

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Apple buls Aug 25, 2022

First world problems

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